Animal Crush Video Awareness Week November 15th – November 22nd

We have reached a critical time in getting HR 5566 passed into law. As many of you know, this bill was altered and approved by the Senate, then sent back to the House in what should have been a “no brainer” vote. Thus far, the House Speaker, Miss Pelosi, has yet to call H.R. 5566 to a vote. The President has already promised to sign legislation against animal crush video into law.

As days have turned into weeks, members have repeatedly called and asked their Congresspeople “Hey, what’s the hold up?” It has become apparent that special interest groups are helping to stall out the bill. We must put pressure on Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, politely telling her that the American public wishes to see animal crush video banned as obscenity in their nation.

We have decided to help the House of Representatives make the morally correct decision by raising awareness against animal crush video. On Monday, November 15th – November 22nd, we will be asking everyone supporting our cause to change their main facebook profile photo to a picture which raises awareness against animal crush video. This is timed to coincide with the beginning of Lame Duck Sessions, where bills are waiting to be voted upon. If H.R. 5566 is not voted on in Congress and then sent to Mr. Obama for his signature before the new year, we will have to begin all over again in January.

Please unite with us in raising awareness by changing out your default facebook picture to any anti-animal crush photo you wish as a reminder to our government that animal cruelty is NOT “free speech” in the United States of America.

Please click the banner below which will redirect you to our facebook event and be the voice for the voiceless. Don’t forget to invite your friends!

We love you all,

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HR 5566 and where we stand…a cry for help from the animals!

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H.R. 5566 a priority on the agenda in Congress!

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