As a new Administrator for the Canada I would like to introduce myself to the membership. When I first was made aware of the prurient practise of crush I was literally shocked and horrified. The cruelty and brutality of animal crush videos and pictures were seared in my brain and heart. I, like you want to ensure that our Country enacts laws that will criminalize such activity.
As a concerned citizen I have volunteered with various groups and organizations to be a voice for animal welfare. I am a past Board member of the Nova Scotia SPCA, past member of the Executive of the DLCC – The Dog Legislation Council of Canada. In that capacity I presented at the public hearings of the legislative committee in the neighbouring Province of New Brunswick concerning the proposed enactment of BSL. Thankfully Bill 55 was modified from being breed specific to one which has dangerous dog bylaws holding all dog owners accountable.
I continue to be active in my Municipality, my Province and Canada working to legislate humane bylaws that sponsor community minded animal owners who are responsible and respectful to the community at large by owning canine good neighbours. I am a founding member of ARPO – Advocates for Responsible Pet Ownership and an Administrator for the Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network. I support animal rescues and shelters, and am on many Facebook groups that help said rescues and shelters, in Canada and world wide. I am proud to be a foster failure X three. I have had the pleasure of doing pet therapy at both the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre and also the I.W.K. Children’s Hospital and the APSEA residential site of the I.W.K.
I attended the No More Homeless Pets Conference hosted by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary to garner ideas and information to further my education surrounding animal care, animal law, rescue, and TNR (trap neuter release programs for feral aka community cat colonies).I have attended numerous seminars concerning dog behaviour, health and care. After Hurricane Juan decimated our city where our largest off-leash park lost over 70,000 trees I organized the Paws for Point Pleasant Park Mini Dog Jog which raised $14,000.00 to aid in the replanting of trees.
The issue of animal abuse is one that I take personally and it is my desire to assist Canada to educate our citizens and politicians so we can eradicate crush in Canada.
The Canada team has been working to educate our politicians to the reality and issue of crush, its inherent abuse and its social ramifications. Letters of introduction have been sent to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Natural Resources, the Heritage Minister and the Chairman of the CRTC which is the agency charged by our Federal Government to oversee radio, TV and the Internet.
Letters have been sent to the Official Opposition Party and well as the other political parties. In light of the response from the Hon. Robert Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General who stated that our concerns are the bailiwick of Provincial and Territorial governance we have written to each and every Provincial Premier, Territorial Leader and key cabinet Ministers. will not allow the Federal Government to ‘pass the buck’. The tiered structure of politics will be a challenge to negotiate but is not insurmountable. Unlike the United States of America, Canada’s political structure with four official political parties is more convoluted to navigate. We share the common issue that Agriculture and Natural Resources may be reticent in applying laws that they would deem unfavourable to their domain but both Federally and Provincially these Departments are charged with overseeing laws that concern animal cruelty.
We thank those members that are participating in garnering paper signatures (which are the only legal recognition of your name and intent) in their respective Provinces and those members that have taken the initiative to write to both their Provincial MLA and Federal MP. We kindly ask that all communications be forwarded to our Gmail address – so we can monitor responses. Be active on the Facebook page – we want and need your input. Canada has provided various topics and resources for our members to use in this challenge under the Discussions tab on the Canada Facebook page. We ask that all members continue to actively inform and educate your friends, family and co-workers to this heinous practise. Be proactive, take the time to write to your MLA and MP, a letter and a signature has power to affect legislative change. Canada can provide French text for those that live in Québec and other regions where their elected official prefers French as the language of choice. Though this issue is repugnant if we all do not speak up and act – more animals will die and more minds will be corrupted.
Janet Chernin
Anything I can do to help – I am here. Bless you for your work on this. I don; understand how humanity has become this sick and debased, but whatever drives this horror, we must oppose it. I will do what I can for as long as I can.
Thank you so much Janet for becoming a voice for this cause.. Blessings to you McKenna