United States Citizens wishing to voice their opinions in an effort to make an impact on decisions regarding legislation, please do not hesitate to find your Senatorial and Congressional representatives through senate.gov and house.gov.

Keep an eye on current legislation at Govtrack & hold your representatives accountable for their responsibility to you!

United States citizens can also find their representatives at USA.gov. Make sure they are educated & more than just concerned about the real issues plaguing our world. If they are not, replace them with people who are!

For more information regarding how we can fight abuse together or if you wish to become a volunteer for STOPCRUSH.ORG, please visit our contact page HERE.

Please do not hesitate to avail yourself of the opportunity to become more informed. Seek out information and ask questions, especially of world leaders. We encourage everyone to write to groups like the United Nations, or the European Union in regard to taking a strong global stance against animal crush video.