Targeting the Animal Crush Interest

At, we very well understand and agree with everyone who wants animal crush “models” to be stopped. This a given, however, please remember that taking away the ability of animal crush video producers to […]

Correcting a false label levied against the Philippines

In regard to a recent letter and post sent to PETA supporters by the organization, we would like to correct part of their statement which labels the Philippines as “ground zero” for animal crush video. […]

Aid, Help, Support & Pray for the Heroes of Japan

Among the many human tragedies, a man from Sendai-shi, Wakabayashi-ku (Tokyo Shinbun) tearfully hugs his dog after she had been rescued by a firefighter. World Vets is coordinating with a coalition of animal welfare groups […]


The team has decided that “like” pages on facebook are the best choice to start STOPCRUSH.ORG branches. Utilizing the social network of facebook, we will be generating branch “like” pages during the next few months, […]

A Bill Becomes A Law

Automated letters & online petitions are not as effective for passing legislation, but they do help. One “snail mail” is worth more that 1,000 signatures on a petition and a phone call is priceless! Please […]